Media Darling Celeb Imam Calls on Muslims to kill Americans at will, it is “either us or them”


go-to imam that the most influential media (NY Times, Washington Post) went to (the "moderate" imam) for all things Islam right after the September 11th attacks (as did the 911 hijackers, for spiritual guidance), is calling for the Muslims to kill Americans.

New York Taqiyya Times Gets It Wrong: Al-Awlaki's Jihad

Devout Muslim al-Awlaki not only ministered to the 911 Muslim terrorists, but also provided succor and Islamic spiritual guidance to the Fort Hood jihadi, the Christmas balls bomber, and the Times Square deadly car bomber — and that's what we know of.

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While being entertained the Pentagon. They had the pious Imam to dinner. 

Al-Awlaki best illustrates the dangerous failure of the government and the media in understanding our mortal enemies and the ideology that inspires them. Instead of looking objectively at jihad, they demonize and slander those of us who do. Counter jihad leaders are "racists," "bigots," or "anti-muslim-islamophobic bigots." That's where this twisted, perverse narrative has gotten us. Big media, the NY Times, the Washington Post and the U.S. Government believe that any Muslim who is not actively setting off a bomb is ipso facto a "moderate." But they have no qualms about vicously attacking me or Spencer as the real "extremists."

Instead of wining and dining Awlaki after 911, he should have been arrested and tried for treason and executed. Easy in hindsight? Yes, but still that lesson has not been learned.

We are witnessing the same delusional (and invariably, fatal) thinking in the media and the government's love affair with Ground Zero mosque Imam Rauf.

U.S.-born cleric calls for death to Americans

The U.S.-born Islamic cleric Anwar al-Awlaki made what looks to be his most threatening message yet: calling on Muslims to kill Americans at will, because it is "either us or them."

The video posted on extremist websites Monday may be Awlaki's attempt to capitalize on his recent notoriety. Awlaki, who the United States believes is in Yemen, is accused by Yemen of playing a role in the sending of bombs through the mail in packages addressed to Chicago.

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13 years ago

Enough with the niceties. We don’t lose our souls when we treat our enemies as enemies.

13 years ago

“Al-Awlaki best illustrates the dangerous failure of the government and the media in understanding our mortal enemies and the ideology that inspires them.”-Pamela
Exactly true. It is profoundly true. They treat critical analysis of Islam as “hate.” It’s absurd.
(BTW-Pamela is not motivated by hate. She is an American who loves our free political speech, who sees our country (and the world) being turned into a Police-Surveillance-State (look at the airports) because of Islam’s dogmas, and is Jewish person who sees that Islam, as it currently exists, is a potential existential threat to the Jewish people. (She’s right in her motivartions.) She’s not motivated by hate, but love of family, community etc., in her criticism of Islam.)
Re Al-Awlaki: My observation of people is that hate and love are very personal emotions. For that reason I can’t see how one can hate a group of people. How can hatred of a group be personal? For example: Hitler may have hated the Jewish people, but how can one hate a group that consisted of proletarian Jews in Russia etc., that had such a diversity, including diversity of class background? It’s absurd. Hitler was projecting something personal on the Jewish people. There was nothing logical about it.
My hunch is that it’s the same with Al-Awlaki. He may have some sexually related problems. There is an edge to this guy that reminds me of Hitler when it comes to Americans and other Kuffirs. He’s not just an ideologist. There is more to his hate than just the dogmas of Islam.
It would be interesting to know what the people he grew up with think about him.

john jay
john jay
13 years ago

pamela, friends:
it is a curious aspect of history that states molly coddle those who are sworn to destroy them.
of recent.–
the russians exiled and banished to siberia dozens it should have executed for murder and bombings, to include lenin, trotsky (who worked as a sports reporter in new york city, of all things, during his exile), and many, many others.
the united states placed weatherunderground bombers bill ayers and bernie dohrn in exile, in the same suburban neighborhood in chicago and in tenured residence at the university of illinois, in the education department of all things. ayers, of course, has publically confessed to his crimes, and publically maintained that he would do it all over again, if circumstances necessitated. one wonders how he has “accepted” the electoral defeat of 650-700 elected democrats in this last election.
during wwii the english exiled the duke of windsor, he who gave it all up for the common woman wallace simpson, when he connived with the germans/nazi’s/adolf hitler & rudolph hess to be placed back upon the thrown of england in return for england sitting out the remainder of wwii. (when hess landed his little plane in the scottish hills, just whose ancestoral manse was mere miles away? go ahead, take a wild guess. this is why hess sat in spandau for years, without visitors.) they made the good ex-king the governor of the bahama’s for the duration of the war, and a hopeless idiot for the duration of his life.
they should have shot him for treason, a thing which churchill intimated to the good duke when he languished in lisbon, portugal after the fall of france conniving with german agents rather than returning home. a .303 enfield right up his upturned nostril would have been suiting.
ho chi minh waited tables in paris while exiled from french indo china.
the ayatollah khomenei lived in splendid exile while he plotted the overthrow of the shah of iran, which plot eventually succeeded.
our treatment of al-awlaki is no exception to this rather bizarre indulgence on the part of regimes which are under direct attack by radicals and revolutionaries, and remains as common as it remains curious. death wish? fatigue? disbelief? who the hell knows, but it happens.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa

john jay
john jay
13 years ago

” … in the same suburban neighborhood as b. hussein obama … ”

Zilla of the Resistance
Zilla of the Resistance
13 years ago

When do we finally get to stop waiting around like lambs to the slaughter and fight back?

13 years ago

“Zilla of the Resistance said…
When do we finally get to stop waiting around like lambs to the slaughter and fight back”
NEVER if we wait for the government to start the fight. The real fighting is gonna start with a few ambushes of muslims and destruction of mosques and then the fight will initially be between Christian American Citizens and our own damned government. All mosques and muslims will have to be eliminated, and I DO NOT mean deported.

Richard 2
Richard 2
13 years ago

A Jewish postman was suppose to have had an affair with Hitler’s mother while Hitler was in grade school, I say suppose to because I don’t know for sure.
Having said that Hitler tapped into a large pool of anti-Semitism that he used to unite Germany and later Austria against anyone who wasn’t of Germanic descent.

Richard 2
Richard 2
13 years ago

You might add Stalin who was suppose to have been a police spy, this is suppose to be why he killed so many people after the took power, the wanted the secret dead. And that is a rumor that Dzerzhinsky was suppose to have been a full fledged member of the Czarist secret police, both were in czarist pens for a long time.
Democracies have a hard time just killing enemies who aren’t on the battlefield, but yes we would be better to kill all of our enemies when we find them, a fact taht is known to many but opposed by the left, including the non Marxist left.

Richard 2
Richard 2
13 years ago

A civil war is a real possibility, Ted Ralls has been calling for hte left to start one, as to the elimination of all Moslems I don’t know, that is a very nasty form of war that I pray we will never have to resort to.

Tom Billesley
Tom Billesley
13 years ago

That’s incitement to kill, false flag troll. Did you think setting your web address to would be credible?

13 years ago


13 years ago

al-awlaki’s video confirms a very important aspect of the jihad.
and, that is, all jihadist activity is done with the formal approval of islamic clerics. no act of jihad has ever been disapproved or criticized after it has happened, to the best of my knowledge, no matter how savage or barbaric.
if i am incorrect in this assertion, i would ask to be corrected.
in his video, al-awlaki has said that any muslim may kill any american without seeking the approval of a cleric and without seeking guidance from allah in the matter, nor apparently, without searching his own conscience for guidance.
think about that.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa

13 years ago

when will we hear from “reconciliation rauf” condemning al-awlaki’s video, his carte blanche authorization for all muslims to kill all americans, the face of the earth over?
john jay

Robin Shadowes
Robin Shadowes
13 years ago

Yes, such traitors should be taken out while we still have the chance. Among those who should be taken out is Tariq Ramadamadingdong, Imam Rauf, Anjem Choudary and one Mullah Krekar in Oslo. Maybe Ellison and Hooper should be taken care of too. And yes, we have a few of these fifth columns in my country too.

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