Breitbart News Coverage on Berkeley Free Speech March


The coverage of our free speech march at Berkeley is vicious. Breitbart is unique — a rational, reliable news source.

MILO Marches on Berkeley for Free Speech Week Despite Event Cancellation

By Lucas Nolan, Breitbart, September 24, 2017:

Despite Free Speech Week being canceled due to pressure from university administrators, former Breitbart Senior Editor MILO appeared on the UC Berkeley campus Sunday to address his many fans.

Arriving with Pamela Geller and Mike Cernovich, MILO marched towards Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley, where he stopped to give a speech to the free speech supporters that had arrived at the university. MILO told the San Francisco Chronicle that many more fans had been kept outside of the university by Berkeley PD.

“I hope you’re reporting that the police kept HUNDREDS (400-500) of supporters outside to make the crowd look tiny,” said MILO. “There were 500 people waiting to get in. They let in 75.”

Many protesters turned up to denounce MILO, including Yvette Felarca, the Northern California Coordinator of radical leftist group By Any Means Necessary and former Berkeley middle school teacher who was arrested this summer on charges of inciting and participating in a riot and assault likely to cause great bodily injury during a 2016 protest.

Protesters marched around Sproul Plaza as MILO spoke, carrying large banners denouncing MILO:

He also signed a number of autographs and spoke to fans:

He can be seen in one clip saying, “The Purpose of today was to show up on campus no matter what and to let them know we’ll be back as many times as it will take.”

MILO was then escorted from UC Berkeley by his security detail:

MILO discussed his sudden exit in a post on his Facebook page, saying, “I wish I had been able to speak for longer today, but a yelling protester made it impossible for any of our speakers to be heard (Berkeley refused to allow us any amplified sound), and Antifa showed up and I was told we had to evacuate.”

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6 years ago

I hope you are going to do a Face Book live when you get the opportunity Pamela. We would appreciate it very much.

6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Stop lobbyists from overseas countries unless specifically authorised and penalize college admin for stopping free speech event.

Penalize /sue the city for not providing security and not arresting violent counter protestors. unless these things happen , this suppression will continue.

Left/liberal/Feminism gave “freedom” to women and abused men, so we have a broken societies with clueless women getting attracted to Islam for giving them a sense of “direction , peace “.

so they welcome their future jihadi husbands

….and they consider those who speak out against jihadi criminals as “nazi”. so this is what they deserve.

6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Stop lobbyists from overseas countries unless specifically authorised and penalize college admin for stopping free speech event.

Penalize /sue the city for not providing security and not arresting violent counter protestors. unless these things happen , this suppression will continue.

Left/liberal/Feminism gave “freedom” to women and abused men, so we have a broken societies with clueless women getting attracted to Islam for giving them a sense of “direction , peace “.

so they welcome their future jihadi husbands

….and they consider those who speak out against jihadi criminals as “nazi”. so this is what they deserve.

Kalambong Kalambong
Kalambong Kalambong
6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick


FB is controlled by the leftist islamofascists and the head of FB, mark zuckerturd, labels everything that is critical to islam as ‘hate speech’ and proceed to ban all the so-called ‘hate speech’ from his FB
comment image

He promised Angela Merkel to wipe off all comments which does not support islam and ban all those who dare to speak the truth

Pamela Geller’s FB account has been shadow-banned

6 years ago

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6 years ago

He evens calls the users of fb dumb f***s.

6 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Do something besides Facebook I dumped Facebook. It is just as bad as the other Nazis outfits.

6 years ago

Stop lobbyists from overseas countries unless specifically authorised and penalize college admin for stopping free speech event.

Penalize /sue the city for not providing security and not arresting violent counter protestors. unless these things happen , this suppression will continue.

Left/liberal/Feminism gave “freedom” to women and abused men, so we have a broken societies with clueless women getting attracted to Islam for giving them a sense of “direction , peace “.

so they welcome their future jihadi husbands

….and they consider those who speak out against jihadi criminals as “nazi”. so this is what they deserve.

Bradley Lexvold
Bradley Lexvold
6 years ago

The protester chanting ” No Nazi, No KKK, No Facist USA” got under Pam’s skin and her New York return fire came out. After being harassed and interrupted over and over, event after event is taking its toll on her demeanor. MILO took it all in stride, as usual, but when you get older and wiser you can become short tempered with ignorance. Probably because you want to leave the world better off than when you entered it, and fear you haven’t made a difference. That, and it seems we’re losing more ground every day. It can be hard to stay positive when faced with loses, but defeat isn’t inevitable. This isn’t going to be easy and it’s going to take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it was built.

6 years ago

Stop lobbyists from overseas countries unless specifically authorised and penalize college admin for stopping free speech event.

Penalize /sue the city for not providing security and not arresting violent counter protestors. unless these things happen , this suppression will continue.

Left/liberal/Feminism gave “freedom” to women and abused men, so we have a broken societies with clueless women getting attracted to Islam for giving them a sense of “direction , peace “.

so they welcome their future jihadi husbands

….and they consider those who speak out against jihadi criminals as “nazi”. so this is what they deserve.

6 years ago

As I made my way to the end of Telegraph, I knew I had arrived when I saw the crowd, and heard the electrically amplified chants of “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA”. I was surprised to see this since I thought the event was pretty much defeated, but no, the kill joys where out in numbers. They were no match for the police, though, who were everywhere.

Parking was easier than I expected, and I walked the 2, or 3 blocks back to Sproul Plaza. As I turned the corner to walk up Bancroft my legs began to fill with lactic acid which gives me the appearance of a swagger, and I prepared myself with the possibility of losing my SIOA cap today.

The place was a bit of a mob scene, and I walked around trying to find where I was supposed to go before finally catching sight of the metal detector threshold. So, I joined the crush of people being funneled toward the door frame of the metal detector. As we shuffled along, I didn’t think I would stand out in this crowd. Not with people wearing t-shirts saying “Muhammad is a homo” .

At one point, we were told to make a hole, as the police deposited two counter protesters, a man, and a woman, just arms reach away from me. “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” he began chanting. His girlfriend announced that they had been ejected for nothing, that this wasn’t a free speech event, it was a fascist event, and as an afterthought – “Uh, oh, yeah, they brutalized us!” I am here to testify, as an eye witness, that these people you have seen on TV, really do exist.

Once past the metal detector, I began looking for the event. Where were the banners, the amplified voice? After a triple take, I studied the small crowd of maybe 30 people all facing the same direction, and spotted the 6’2” Milo.
Just like a rock concert, we pressed forward, chest to back trying to catch the eye of our favorite rock star activist. Pamela was there, her hair slightly frazzled in the 80 degree sunshine, wearing big TV screen type sunglasses, stabbing her finger in the air as she spoke, while a lone protester chanted incessantly, “no Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA”.
Milo finally got him to stop when he invited the heckler to join them in dialogue. Mr. Hecler reacted to that the way Maynard G Krebs reacted to the word “work”. “It should be easy” he said, leaning forward. “It should be easy”, he said leaning into the persons face with those strange sad eyes, and worldly smile. “It should be easy, but it’s not.” That dried him up, and then Pamela took over. “That’s because our ideas are better. These are evil clowns, evil clowns”, she said. The crowd cheered, and passed their homemade signs for Milo to hold aloft. “Feminism is Cancer”, it proclaimed. Pamela led us in a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. I thought, as I sang, about how I had learned this song in grade school, along with “America the Beautiful”, “My Country ‘Tis Of Thee”, and I never thought anything of it. I took it for granted that America would always be a good thing that hundreds of millions of Americans could take pride in, and rally around. Today, we seem to be throwing that all away with both hands.

The conclusion came when Milo clasped his hands in a gesture of sincerity and promised he would return next year, and the year after that, and year after that, for however long it took. And, they left.

As I made my way back to the freeway, driving on the city streets of Berkeley, I took in the sights. Lots of young women. Lots of eating places. There was strange organic architecture with a 30 foot display screen on one side. Homes with “Black Lives Matter” signs in the window. It was a college town full of young people, full of activity, interest in things, passion, the burgeoning of youth.
I thought about how much universities depend on reputation. They are the best, or in the “top ten”, or “Ivy League”. Some of this image is manufactured, but Berkeley has always been known for its wild undergraduate on campus activity. People caroming off of different lives, and ideas, experimentation, exploration, virtuosity. All these things will bring people to a university like Berkeley. But lately, Berkeley has added some new aspects to their public persona, pettiness, meanness, even cowardice.
For Berkeley to sabotage Free Speech Week is not that surprising. This is how universities fight. It is how they look smart, and in charge. It was the getting the press to lie for them, the threatening the Berkeley students with legal action, and threats of expulsion that took it to another dimension, entirely. This is so bad, it leads one to think Berkeley is culpable for the Antifa riot earlier this year.
Good reputation will insulate them from harsh criticism, and they are sure going to need it, because they are about to be excoriated on the internet.
Maybe, they will lead the charge on shutting that down, also.

6 years ago
Reply to  livingengine

That is why America needs Trump now more than ever and he is not afraid to call them son of bitches


6 years ago

Those childish, immature, asshole Antifa are a disgrace to democracy, decency and common sense!

6 years ago

‘The New Totalitarians Are Here’ – July 6, 2015 The Federalist:

6 years ago

It is a sad day when Americans have to run from Nazis thugs like antifi or any of these scum.

6 years ago

Pamela, my admiration for your courage and ceaseless fighting for our freedoms is boundless.

6 years ago
Reply to  DaveM12

Muslim hater natanyahoo’s dikk sukker dirty kuffar

6 years ago
Reply to  raj

Look around you, your phone, electricity, clean water, medicine, science, manufacturing, whatever, none of it comes from your world. You and your islam produce nothing but hate, violence and misogyny. Everything you touch turns to sh*t. Your countries are cess pools. Notice no one moves to your world but to ours and you want to turn our world into yours, why!

Oh, and by the way another 230 of your wonderful muslims were killed in Somalia today with hundreds wounded. Just another day in your islamic paradise.

6 years ago
Reply to  DaveM12

The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…comment imagecomment image

Jim Austin
Jim Austin
6 years ago

Those seeking to violently enforce their own rules that are at variance with the U.S. Constitution regarding free speech are engaging in insurrection. The essence of insurrection is a violent challenge to the authority of government. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution refers to the president’s power and responsibility to “suppress Insurrections.”

Such people are a military problem, not a law enforcement problem. It means the government has the power and responsibility to send armed personnel to hunt them down and kill them along with quislings and collaborators among local officials.

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