Pope Finances SIX CARAVANS of Illegals to Migrants on US Border, Sends Them $500,000


Why doesn’t the disastrous Pope tear down the Vatican walls and let the hordes in?

Related: Jordanian National Guilty in Conspiracy to Smuggle Yemenis Across Texas Border

Pope Francis, no fan of ‘builders of walls,’ donates $500,000 to migrants

By: Market Watch, April 30, 2019

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That’s Peter’s Pence, the Pope’s charity, explaining the rationale behind the donation. The money will be used to house and feed migrants and will be split among 27 projects in 16 Mexican dioceses and religious congregations.

Almost 75,000 migrants coming up from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, the Vatican said, have been “stranded” near the Mexican border and are “unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood.”

Pope Francis Distributes $500K to Migrants on US Border

By Bruce Walker, April 30, 2019:

News broke from the Vatican over the weekend that Pope Francis had donated $500,000 to assist the plight of migrants massed on the U.S.-Mexico border. The funds — raised from the Catholic Peter’s Pence Collection — will fund 27 projects sponsored by 16 Mexican dioceses that will provide food, shelter and other necessities to approximately 75,000 stranded migrant families and individuals.

But the Pope’s philanthropy is perceived suspiciously by Michael Hichborn, president of The Lepanto Institute.

“I’m not sure, exactly, what Pope Francis is hoping to achieve,” he wrote in an email to Church Militant. “The money was ostensibly sent to ‘house and feed’ the 75,000 ‘stranded migrants.’ But $500,000 divided among them is $6.66, which is just enough to buy everyone there a single Whopper meal at Burger King.”

Hichborn continued: “This has all the appearance of an expensive publicity stunt aimed at poking the United States in the eye, but all it will really accomplish is proving that you can’t just throw money at a problem and expect it to fix things.”

An outspoken critic of current U.S. immigration policies, the Pope has made pointed barbs against President Donald Trump’s goal to construct a barrier on the border separating the United States and Mexico.

For example, the Pope supported the 14,000-member caravan initiated in Honduras last November, which required the United States to deploy an additional 800 soldiers on the border to maintain control. The number of immigrants has proven tremendously burdensome on the Mexican border towns and has caused a humanitarian crisis.

This has all the appearance of an expensive publicity stunt aimed at poking the United States in the eye.Tweet

Last month, Francis went even further. After making veiled comparisons of Trump to Adolf Hitler, the Pontiff declared, “Builders of walls, whether they are of razor-wire or brick, will become prisoners of the walls they build. That’s history.”

He added: “[W]e need bridges and we feel pain when we see people who prefer to build walls.” Conservative pundits noted the Vatican is protected by a wall.

The surge in migration to the U.S. southern border includes former residents of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Speaking to The Washington Post last October, U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said he was told by Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández that the caravans were financed by the Marxist government of Venezuela.

Pence continued Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro funded the caravan in retaliation for unsubstantiated charges the United States attempted to assassinate him. Pence stated:

People that are driving this caravan north to challenge our sovereignty, to challenge our borders, are doing so without any regard for human life and doing advance some political statement, or in the case of human traffickers, strictly for financial profit. The president is absolutely determined to use all means at his disposal to organize efforts to have Mexico turn this caravan around. …

It is inconceivable that there would not be individuals from the Middle East as a part of this growing caravan. What the President is determined to do is put the safety and security of the American people first, and I know the President will be addressing this in the coming days about ways we need to close the loopholes that human traffickers and other dangerous individuals used to entice vulnerable families to make the long and dangerous trek north.

According to an April 10 report in The New York Times:

The immigration courts now have more than 800,000 pending cases; each one takes an average of 700 days to process. And because laws and court rulings aimed at protecting children prohibit jailing young people for more than 20 days, families are often simply released. They are dropped off at downtown bus stations in places like Brownsville, Tex., where dozens last week sat on gray metal benches, most without money or even laces on their shoes, heading for destinations across the United States.

The same article claimed an estimated 100,000 migrants arrive at the border each month, which adds up to 1 million individuals attempting to cross the border into the United States over the past calendar year. Twenty-seven thousand children are estimated to trek over the U.S. border in April alone.

Additionally, according to the newspaper, migrant families rose 560% between February 2018 and February 2019.

Kishore Jayabalan, director of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty’s office in Rome, wrote earlier this month: “The weakness of institutional Christianity is perhaps one reason why mass immigration has become a political crisis: There is no mediator between open-border globalism and ethnic nationalism.”

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5 years ago

Massive third world immigration is part of the Catholic Church method of war against the Protestants

5 years ago

It’s time to end the Catholic Church 501c tax exemption status in America

5 years ago
Reply to  Bill

Any church under the 501c3 tax exemption could be at risk. http://hushmoney.org/501c3-facts.htm

Dorrie - Conservative
Dorrie - Conservative
5 years ago
Reply to  VoiceInDesert

Why ANY church!? It’s the Catholic church of Rome that’s wanting to damage this country, not “any church”!

5 years ago

Dorrie, you misunderstood my comment. Did you check my link? I have no dispute that that the one who claims to be the present “vicar of Christ” is — whether maliciously or inadvertently — damaging this country, because of his belief that all roads lead to heaven. And not all who profess to be Roman Catholics are evil, but many love the Lord. (I once was a devout Catholic, and experienced Pentecost while still one.)

My point was that before the idea of the 501c3 (according to the link), all churches were already exempt from taxation. Those pastors who did subscribe to 501c3 (under the Johnson Amendment) were forbidden to endorse candidates or issues from the pulpit, lest the IRS or the state remove their exemption and then be taxed (which has happened anyway, whether the churches complied or not). But on May 4, 2017, President Trump did sign an executive order easing the restrictions of the Johnson Amendment. So, we’ll see how that goes.

Dorrie - Conservative
Dorrie - Conservative
5 years ago
Reply to  VoiceInDesert

The problem is that ALL Catholicism is Pagan. So many people who love God have been deceived by Rome for 2,000 years!

5 years ago

Dorrie, whether or not I’m a pagan, I still love you as my sister in the Lord 🙂 May He bless you and complete the work He has begun in you! Shalom.

Dorrie - Conservative
Dorrie - Conservative
5 years ago
Reply to  VoiceInDesert

If you’re a Pagan, you’re lost and Yahweh doesn’t know you, please repent and follow Yeshua the Messiah who lived and taught Torah.

John Mitchell
John Mitchell
5 years ago

An act of war by the Vatican. There should be consequences.

5 years ago
Reply to  John Mitchell

Ruke Nome!

5 years ago

Pope Francis is a Marxist Globalist; an enemy of this Republic and the Western faux-Democracies. The latter of whom he has aided in the EU’s downfall by promoting, and appropriating funds while emboldening the Muslim mass-migration. His financing the illegal Central American is likely merely the tip of St. Peter’s Dome. Francis is an enemy of not only Western Civilization but Christians worldwide.

This fetid piece of unholiness has chosen the above over the mass-murdered Sri Lanka Roman Catholics. If anyone is the Devil’s Spawn, it is this man feigning being a man of G-d; he is truthfully the representative of Allah/Satan.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ziggy46

Excellent post, ziggy ! I agree 100%….

5 years ago
Reply to  ed

Thanks, ed, it is much appreciated.

5 years ago

Response: withdraw tax free status for catholic churches in America. Place the vatican on international terrorist list.

5 years ago

“But $500,000 divided among them is $6.66, which is just enough to buy everyone there a single Whopper meal at Burger King.” Interesting how it came to that number per person. A coincidence?

5 years ago

Shhhhh…. you’re not supposed to know this…
You must blame, Jews and legal American citizens for being “anti-vaxxers”.
That’s what FOX news is peddling.
Pope Frances is a godless, globalist, bought and paid for MARXIST!

Over 2000 Illegals Quarantined in US Detention Centers Due to Spreading Disease
March 11, 2019

New reports indicate that more than 2,000 illegal aliens currently detained in the Unites States have been quarantined due to the spread of disease outbreaks.

As of March 7th, 2019, data shows that more than 50,000 illegal aliens remain in US custody, with 2,287 migrants remaining allegedly quarantined.

Over the past year, 236 cases of mumps in 51 facilities were found, with 423 detainees being determined to have influenza and 461 more found with chicken pox.

(All immigration lawyers are worried about is ACCESS to their ILLEGAL CLIENTS.
Remember it is highly contagious!)

The number of people amassed in immigration detention under the Trump administration has reached record highs, raising concerns among migrant advocates about disease outbreaks and resulting
quarantines that limit access to legal services.

CE health officials have been notified of 236 confirmed or probable cases of mumps among detainees in 51 facilities in the past 12 months, compared to no cases detected between January 2016 and February 2018.

5 years ago

No, “powerful Jews” are not spreading measles or any other contagious disease. Notice the concentration of measles are and in what state. – you’ll find high numbers of illegal aliens. They come here diseased.
They don’t care if you get sick or even die from what their diseases. They don’t like you.

National measles outbreak caused by ILLEGAL ALIENS!

The Measles Outbreak Is A Giant False Flag & A Hoax
Apr 28, 2019 by News Wars

CDC admits that every major outbreak of measles has been caused by ‘migrants’ ie illegal aliens
comment image


5 years ago

Is FOX news NYT light?

No measles is not at an all time high because of ANTI- VAXXERS!
It is at at an all time high because of record breaking ILLEGALS, FAKE ASYLUM SEEKERS, “MIGRANTS” and “ABANDONED KIDS” being released into our country or sneaking in illegally.

Dr. Marc Siegel shameless LIES and blames anti-vaxxers! NO it’s ILLEGALS according to the CDC!
“Abandoned kids” are held for 20 days only and released as required by law. – the Flores decision.
The swamp, both DEMS and GOP refuse to change this law!

Dr. Marc Siegel: Measles —– FOX NEWS!

“The anti-vaxxers, ignoring multiple studies showing that the MMR vaccine is safe, and fueled by a defrocked doctor whose study on 12 autistic children was invalidated and ultimately withdrawn, have caused actual harm, banging open a door for measles resurgence that has long been closed. It is only a matter of time before measles takes root here before we have more to worry about than simply stopping travelers from seeding an under-vaccinated population. It is starting to look like this year may be the tipping point to a sad return towards our pre-vaccine past.”

Marc Siegel, M.D. is a professor of medicine and medical director of Doctor Radio at NYU Langone Medical Center. He is a Fox News Medical Analyst.


5 years ago

Pope Frances wants to destabilize countries to bring about his coveted, one world utopian hell.
He doesn’t represent God. He represents hypocritical EVIL. I’d bet he is dumb enough to believe that he has a seat at the one world religion table. They will behead him as quickly as you or I.

5 years ago
Reply to  felix1999

Sounds like another pal of george soros

5 years ago

Filthy rsehole. Agreed why doesnt this rsehole open up the vatican walls and take them all in. Rest assured itll never happen

5 years ago

Yes, why don’t he set the example by removing the Vatican walls? YOU PHONY POS!!

Probably because they are made from human bones from the old world.

5 years ago

The pope should be deposed he is clearly suffering from some kind of advanced dementia

glenda lafont
glenda lafont
5 years ago

Little man needs to shut up and sit down and stay out of politics. If people can’t see through him, then I feel sorry for them. I quit the Church when he
became pope. Kissing the feet of Muslims on Holy Thursday is a joke. He
cannot be trusted. Why not send money to Notre Dame Cathedral? He has
enough of it.

5 years ago

My question is where are all the Catholics with a backbone to stand up to this buffoon? Or don’t they even exist? Do all Catholics actually believe this dude is the “vicar of Christ” on earth? Where you at folks – do something – like maybe no more money for the church. So glad I’m not a Catholic – what an embarrassment he is. Of all the good he could be doing he chooses to make a political statement with too little money to even make a difference other than a weak political opinion with other peoples money.

Dorrie - Conservative
Dorrie - Conservative
5 years ago
Reply to  nag2

I’m beginning to think he’s the False Prophet spoken of in Revelation.

5 years ago

The 1st beast of Revelation 13.

Omar Kahlid
Omar Kahlid
5 years ago

The pope will join Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Kennedy, moohammed and many others in hell. The pedophile protector has picked his side and satan rules over him.

5 years ago

Basically you are telling us that the Vatican has declared war on the US? Not a wise choice by the pontiff. I remember when “The Pope smokes dope!” was kind of a joke. Now, I am not so sure.

Dorrie - Conservative
Dorrie - Conservative
5 years ago
Reply to  Roland

Try to understand that Rome – i.e. the Vatican – has ALWAYS been Pagan. The fact that there are ANY followers, who call themselves “Catholic”, it absolutely blows me away! Read the Bible, kids!! God ABHORS Paganism and Rome has always been LOADED with it!

5 years ago

Why not allow ICE to load up a fleet of air force planes chock full of migrants fresh off the march and deliver them straight to Rome ?
Pope wants migrants that badly make sure that the pope gets first dibs on them and he already has the walls in place.

Win Win and Every one happy.

5 years ago

Few remember the Vatican rat lines that saved the lives of 5,000 senior nazi officers in WW2 https://www.holocaustonline.org/vatican-ratlines/

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